Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break!

This past week has been Spring Break for both Jeff and I, so we are starting to gear up for the week of work ahead. But before we do that...Here is a recap of how our break went:

My Mom, Sister, Brother-in-law, 2 nieces (Marin & Ellery) and nephew (Liam)came down to Houston to spend their Spring Break. We had such a fun time with them! We hit up the Woodlands mall, went to the park, and had an evening at the Houston Rodeo (while Jeff's Parents, Gigi, and my Mom babysat the little girls). Avonlea sure enjoyed playing with her cousins and cuddling with her Grandma! Here are a few pics from the week.

Liam, Avonlea, Ellery and Marin playing in the play room

Liam made friends with many animals in the petting zoo @the Rodeo

Here is Grandma with ALL of her Grandchildren (Avonlea, Marin, Ellery & Liam)

Avonlea loved cuddling with Grandma

Here's Liam @ the Rodeo

The Bushwar Family & Jeff @ the park

I think Jon enjoyed the petting zoo too!

Susan holding Ellery & Marin

Here's one with Marin

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 Months!

Avonlea is 9 months old (and 2 days to be specific)! She has been pulling-up and walking with the assistance of the couch and chairs around the house. At her check-up her height was 27 1/2 inches and she weighed 18 lbs. 8 oz. which is actually only the 45 percentile, but the doctor says she looks great. This past month, Avonlea has started eating real people food (crackers and vanilla wafers) and got the OK from the Doctor to start eating table foods with the exception of a few items. This is good news for her (and us) as she eye-balls whatever we are eating with such longing in her eyes.


About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.