Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bluebonnet Festival???

So this past weekend we went to Bluebonnet Country (Brenham & Independance, TX) to take pictures of Avonlea. As we drove up, the medians of the highway were not filled with wildflowers as in years past, but when we saw the sign, "Bluebonnet Festival" we were encouraged. We don't know why you have a festival when the namesake of the festival is NO WHERE to be found! Better luck next year, I guess. Here are some pictures we took anyway.

10 Months! (and 3 days)

So little Ms. Avonlea is now 10 Months old and is on the MOVE! She has been holding her bottle now for almost 2 months, cruises like crazy (not to mention @ lightning speed), eats all sorts of grown-up food, dances, squeels, stands by herself, says "Da-da", "hi"and alot of other things we haven't quite figured out yet. This past month has been a very busy one in the life of our little gal. She started out with a visit from her Grandma (Martin), 3 cousins, Aunt Susan & Uncle Jon. Then she made a couple appearances at her Daddy's baseball games. It wouldn't be a normal month if we didn't make at least one doctor's visit, so we did that too. She ended her month with a Sunday School Retreat (actually with our Sunday School class) which included Avonlea's first camping experience in a tent. WILD!! The second night of the retreat, we slept inside. Her personality is developing and facial expressions will crack anyone up.

Daddy Reads Avonlea lots of bedtime stories!

Avonlea has PERFECTED the pouty face

Yes, that is a cow. We had our retreat @ an awesome ranch. We woke up to Mooing! Ms. Jessica holding the little Diva! My friend Amber and her daughter Julia holding Avonlea

Here's the proof that we camped with her...yes, that is a Pack'n'Play in the tent.
Daddy's game with Grandma CeCe.


About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.