Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

4th of July in Duluth

This 4th of July, we (Bushwars/Crains/Martins) went to Duluth (one of my favorite places in the world) and stayed in Canal Park. On the way up to Duluth, my dad, Jeff, Avonlea and I made the necessary stop at the Kaffe Stuga to eat. We shopped, swam, ate, walked the boardwalk and relaxed. Poor Mom was still "under the weather" with a terrible virus she caught, but was such a trooper to make the trip! My Uncle Scott and cousin Michael met up with us to watch the fireworks over Lake Superior's lifting bridge. The next day, we went and met them at their cabin in Two Harbors and enjoyed climbing on the ledgerock and taking in the gorgeous views from their place. Of course, you do NOT go to the North Shore without experiencing the pie up there, so we indulged. It is delicious and for some reason, I cannot find better tasting pie then there. We tried to get into Gooseberry State Park, but the crowds and parking were crazy. We will hit-it-up next time!



Fishing, Family & Fun!

After getting to Minnesota, my sister's family came a few days later. While in MN, Dad took us fishing on a pontoon on Cedar Lake, just about 20 miles away from Owatonna. Liam caught the most and I think was in the double-digits by the end of the fishing trip. It was such a relaxing and fun time. Grandpa took care of his kids and grandkids on the boat. Diet coke in hand, he baited each one of our hooks and did all the dirty work no one really likes doing. We all had a blast!


About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.