Friday, June 18, 2010

"The Brady Bushwar Bunch"

Tuesday Morning, June 15th at about 2:30am, Jeff came into the bedroom to wake me up for Avonlea's feeding. Here is what he said, "It's time to feed Avonlea and your sister's water broke." Needless to say, that was the most alert at a 2:30am feeding that I have ever been. Mom & Patrick were still at our house so at 3am they took off for Dallas. Susan and Jon had the girls a little after 4:30am. Marin was 6 lbs, 7oz. and was 18 3/4 inches long, and Ellery was 5 lbs., 2 oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. They are all doing well & the girls complete the Bushwar Bunch! They are both so precious & I can't wait to meet them and introduce Avonlea to all of her cousins. Today, Susan and the girls get to come home from the hospital and I know it will be a great feeling for all of them! Here are some photos from the event...



1 comment:

  1. Oh how adorable!!! Congratulations to your sister & family! How fun to have cousins so close! :D I hope everything is going well for you guys!!!



About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.