Friday, September 10, 2010

Avonlea's 3rd Month!!

Well, our little Miss Avonlea has had an exciting 3rd month of life. She has learned to put her hands together, laugh, hold toys in her hand, "talk" (all the time), follow lots of objects with her eyes, blows lots of bubbles and she loves exercising her chubby legs during gym time. "Pumpkin Head" (as Jeff calls her) is weighing in at a whopping 14 lbs.

On August 23, Avonlea spent her first day in daycare!!! Now that Jeff and I are back at our jobs, she is settling in to her new routine. She goes to Ms. Cheryl's on Monday & Tuesday, Janie comes over on Wednesday & Grandma CeCe on Thursday & Friday. It has been a big change for me to work only part-time this year, but I am loving it!! I am back with my baby each day at about 11am, so we have alot of QT in the afternoons. Another AWESOME item is that she is letting us sleep through the night & we are loving every minute of undisturbed "shut-eye." I do realized now that I've said this, I will be up at least 2 time per night from here on out of infancy.

This past month, Avonlea got to hang with her Great-grandmothers, Grandpa C. & Grandma CeCe while Mom & Dad went swimming. She attended her Great-Great Aunts 93rd Birthday party with lots of relatives, ate (rather watch us eat) at many restaurants and is becoming a regular at church!

Another milestone for our Babydoll was moving into her own room & crib! Jeff was ready for this move & I hesitated a bit, but it has been an easy transition.

To finish up her 3rd month, Aunt Susan, Uncle Jon & Cousins Liam, Marin & Ellery came down to visit. We had a blast with all the babies(and toddler)!! Jeff and I were amazed & JUMPED at the chance to have a double date with Susan & Jon while the "Quad Squad" (Stacy, Janie, Grandpa C. & Grandma CeCe) watched our kiddos. That's a 1:1 ratio. When does that ever happen???? :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT NIGHT SQUAD!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love that little Pumpkin Head! And by the way,the pictures of Avonlea blowing bubbles is adorable...too cute.



About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.