Sunday, January 23, 2011

7 Months, Crawling & ER

So I haven't updated this blog since the end of December and a lot has transpired since. Two days before Avonlea hit the 7 month marker, she began crawling. And let me tell you, crawling has changed our lives significantly. Gone are the days of us leaving her in one spot knowing that she would be pretty close to that spot when we returned. Now, within a few second, that girl is across the room trying to get a WIRE (of course she doesn't want any of her toys)! Needless to say, a blog on childproofing a home will be coming...

Avonlea's 7th month of life was spent with 2 not 1 double ear-infection, a winter wonderland Christmas in MN with Grandma & Grandpa Martin, Uncles Patrick & Jon, Aunt Susan and cousins Liam, Marin & Ellery, and Christmas with the Crains & Neighbors at our house. Lots of Rice cereal, green beans, carrots, apples, pears, squash, sweet potatoes & bananas were devoured by little Ms. Avonlea this past month. She also began chattering alot. "Da-da" is her most frequent sound to date.

Now to ER...well, this entire week, Avonlea has been fighting this cold. It began with a little cough at the beginning of the week, then a runny nose made an appearance, and finally Mr. Fever didn't want to be left out of the Party! SO...last night, we took her in to the ER and they told us that she has RSV which is a respiratory virus which basically has to run its course. Unfortunately, the ER was no day at the SPA to Avonlea. They jammed things up her nose, gave her an X-ray and traumatized her just enough. However, we were in & out of the ER in about 1 hours time, which is INCREDIBLE!! We have been doing breathing treatments on her, but the past 3 nights have been ones without much sleep. We are thankful to God for his provision of good advice from friends, a nice & non-frustrating medical facility & that it is nothing worse than a virus.

Elmo's Song on YouTube has been a help to us these past few days!

1 comment:

  1. Our past weeks have been much the same. Boo. Praise God our baby girls are in good health to fight off their viruses!



About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.