Friday, April 11, 2014

Missed March! I dropped the ball in March in regards to blogging, but I haven't lost sleep over it luckily. ;) Here is a recap of March:

~The Bushwar clan came down to usher in Spring Break for the year
~Went to the Houston Rodeo x2
~Broke down in the car on beltway 8
~Avonlea got taken away in a squad car by a very nice police officer
 (We informed her that that would be her first and LAST time riding in the back of a cop car) :)
~Went to the Resort at Artesian Lakes with the Neighbors, Jeff's mom and Stacy, where we fished, played games and relaxed.
~Attended the St. Patrick's Day parade
~Took the whole family to the Mucky Duck where we celebrated St. Paddy's day with Shephard's Pie, Guinness Beef Stew, Irish dancers, Irish Folk Music and TONs and TONs of pop! Avonlea actually had water. If I were a mom on top of it, I would have dyed it green. Oh well!
~Linley had an Ultrasound done of her head because it was so large: 99th Percentile. The results are that she just has a really big head.
~I had an Ultrasound done and found out that I have Gall Stones.
~I got to be part of throwing a sweet friend a baby shower.
~Jeff took Avonlea on a camp out with the other dad's in our Sunday School class and their kids. Avonlea loved it! I'm sure there will be more camp outs for her in the future.
~Linley got RSV, a virus that affects the lungs. She quickly got over it though.
~Of course, sprinkled in March were many dance classes for Avonlea, baseball games for Jeff to coach and hanging with friends.

Hopefully the send half of April will have more blogs than the first. We'll see!

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About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.