Monday, November 8, 2010

Avonlea's Fifth Month: Pumpkins, Camping, Real Food & Rolling over!

So Avonlea is now about 5 1/2 months old and she has accomplished alot in her short lifetime. This past month she...

~Went to her 1st Baylor Homecoming
~Rolls over anytime you set her down anywhere...YIKES!!
~Eats Rice cereal, carrots, green beans (which she loves), pears & bananas
~Has been napping much less these days
~Went camping at the Resort at Artesian Lakes
~Celebrated her first halloween (sort of)
~Hung out with her Great Grandma Crain, Great Aunt Julie & Great Uncle Michael
~Attended 2 pumpkin carving parties
~Sticks her tongue out at anything & very frequently
~Smiles tons, Giggles a little

There's probably alot more, but these were some of the events that stuck out in my mind. Enjoy the pics!


  1. I always enjoy your blog and pictures!!! Miss you all greatly!

  2. Parsla, I miss you guys too! We need to plan a "get-together" soon! :)

    p.s. give Adele a big hug from me.

  3. Love the pics! Avonlea is getting so big...and so much hair. Can't wait to see you guys on Friday.

  4. I love everything about the nest!



About Me

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I am Debby (Martin) Crain and have been married for almost 8 years to Jeff Crain. We live in Houston, TX and have 2 beautiful daughters, Avonlea & Linley Belle.